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Magneto Tellurics USA

Magneto Tellurics USA

أخر عمل ・ 9 نونبر 2017 اقرأ المزيد Open In New icon

More than 8 Km MT profiles covering the full passive seismic spectroscopy and micro seismic tomography of the previous exploration program is under way within the TNB & Kino KY, including reservoir characterization and processing. PGES is providing a proper combined measurement of electric and magnetic fields. The MT results will be combined more efficiently with micro seismic, passive seismic spectroscopy data library and with gamma ray and neutron density logs, within more than 63 sqKm and along more than 8 Km MT profiles spaced of 100 m/station, for a more calibrated model of the earth. Discover how PGES provides the technology and business models that improve efficiency and enable unprecedented levels of collaboration and integration across the full spectrum of exploration technology: from the exploration to the pipeline and production in the US and around the world.

Passive Seismic Hydrocarbon Exploration

Passive Seismic Hydrocarbon Exploration

أخر عمل ・ 3 دجنبر 2015 اقرأ المزيد Open In New icon

Turkey Neck Bend With innovative passive seismic technology and multidisciplinary expertise, our broadband passive seismic imaging project covers a total of 37 sqkm and 62 sqkm of passive seismic infrasonic spectroscopy and tomography. KY-mnrThis project focuses on obtaining a local view of the subsurface to create a more realistic earth model-including velocity anisotropy. PGES is positioned to accomplish this imaging through an extensive library of passive seismic data measurements and multidisciplinary expertise. Final products will enable users to evaluate images leading up in 2016. For more information, contact PGES.

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Piazze Street, 44

38060 Trento - إيطاليا

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