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  • زيت الزيتون من المغرب

النتائج لأجل

زيت الزيتون من المغرب - استيراد وتصدير


THE ARGAN TREE The argan tree , with its Latin name Argania Spinosa , is a tree found mainly in southern Morocco. It allows local women's cooperatives to live and flourish by working with argan. their objective is to have stable incomes, reduce poverty in the region, ensure quality education for their children and above all guarantee food security and nutritional balance, subsequently ensure sustainable development in the region and fulfillment. social and professional villagers After Harvesting the argan fines , they go through selective sorting, pulping, crushing and cold pressure extraction of the argan oil. The argan oil goes through a filtering system, tested in the laboratory, packaging and storage in order to offer an argan oil of exceptional quality.

طلب عرض أسعار


زيت الارغان العضوي زيت خالصة وطبيعية غنية بالأحماض المشبعة و فيتامين ه و مواد مضادة للأكسدة يغذی الوجه ويحميه، يكسبه الجمال و الصحة و الطراوة. كما يعمل على تقوية الأظافر فعال لتغذية فروة الرأس يستعمل للعناية بالشعر وحمايته من التساقط. Pure Argan Oil Pure Argan Oil amazingly rich in essential Fatty Acids and vitamine E, Argan Oil helps smooth lines, repair damaged hair, diminish stretch marks and scars, Eliminates the dehydration of the skin, Strengthen nails, Limited units available at the promotio nal rate shown

طلب عرض أسعار

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النتائج لأجل

زيت الزيتون من المغرب - استيراد وتصدير

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