
Factory icon المُصنع/المنتج

Norme ISO 22716

Norme ISO 22716

الحصول على شهادة ・ 6 أبريل 2019

Good Manufacturing Practices for Cosmetics. Compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in accordance with ISO 22716 is one of the main novelties of European cosmetic regulations.

Certification Grasse Expertise

Certification Grasse Expertise

الحصول على شهادة ・ 31 غشت 2019

GRASSE EXPERTISE™ brings together professionals from the entire range of scents and aromas that are emblematic of Grasse and Pays de Grasse. Discover this unique ecosystem.

Domain icon المُصنع/المنتج


485 allée des senteurs. P.A. de la Festre.

06530 Saint Cézaire Sur Siagne - فرنسا

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